While this roofing sheets are constant, that is you can always count on
its availability in the market, the price may from time to time change.
So this price mentioned here may change at any time, it is not constant.
You can contact me to get the latest prices for for a token.
1. Stone Coated Step tile roofing sheets
0.45 thickness 2000 Naira grade B
0.55 thicknesses by D.s tile Korea batlan brand -N2500 for grade A
Shingle tile by D.s tile Korea batlan brand- N3000 grade A
0.45 shingle tiles- 3000 naira for grade A
Shake tile – 3500 Naira for grade B
Roman tile two colors- 4000 Naira for grade A
2. Aluminium Roofing Sheets (per square metre)
For 0.45mm Aluminium Roofing sheets- 2,000 Naira /sqm
For 0.55mm Aluminium Roofing sheets Longspan- 2,300 Naira / sqm
For Aluminium Step Tile Roofing Sheets
For 0.45 mm Aluminium Step Tile Roofing Sheets – 1500 Naira per square metre
for 0.55mm Aluminium Step Tile Roofing Sheets (longspan) – 2000 Naira /sqm
3. Fibre Britment Roofing Sheets.
Fibre britment roofing sheets cost 2,300 naira per square metre
Fibre britment step-tile roofing sheets f cost 3,500 naira per square metre.
Remember the cost is not fixed, it can change any time. So before you
embark on roofing, go to the market and find out the prices.
If you rather I do that for you, just contact me. I’ll get you the quotes,
that is prices for the type of sheet and location you specify for a token.
not forgetting others like
4. Zincs
Thank you
For roofing design and installation, check out http://www.build8.co.uk/roofing-2
How can I get your contact
Good Day Sir/Madam,
I wil like to know how many pieces are they in square metre of Fibre britment roofing sheets.
Oriyomi JOHNSON.
cost 2,300 naira per square metre
How Many of Fibre britment roofing sheets could be enough for a 6 BEDROOMS with 2 LIVING ROOMS.
Oriyomi JOHNSON.
Plz how can I get ur contact